Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the sun it is a very cold planet, the wind's are very powerful.

Neptune is 17 times the mass of earth and slightly more massive than its twin Uranus, so Uranus and Neptune are almost the same. But whats different is the name, Neptune got its name from the god of the sea because of the colour.

Neptune has 12 moons the first 4 are Tritan, Naiad,Thalassa and Despina. Sicentices belive that there is water on Triton but the clouds are made of gas.

Neptune has a dark spot that is a cloudy storm. Jupiters storm. Jupiters storm is bigger way bigger that Neptunes.

Neptune has no life it would be almost imposseble to life there.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Measurement Example

we had to do a small test it was very easy:)
From measurement examples

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Art Painting

This is called pop out art i'v done a funny face and painted it :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Term 2 Goal Reflection

Here are my reflections on my term 2 learning goals.

Sophie M

Sunday, July 3, 2011

How did the popcorn dance?

Have you ever wondered how popcorn could dance? I did an experiment on popcorn with not alot of ingredients. I can show you with these steps.

You need a glass, popcorn kernals, food colouring, bakeing soda, vinegar, water and a teaspoon. You can use any colour of food colouring.

Step one fill the glass almost to the yop with three drops of food colouring to the glass. Then get a teaspoon and stir. Step three once you have done that you can open your bag of popcorn kernals pick up 6 or 7. After that you can put the kernals in the glass and stir. Step four now you add the vinegar and baking soda Stir at lest 3 or 4 times. Now watch it will start to float up and down.

How did the popcorn float? well this is how when they start to float there is bubbles all around the popcorn. When they float to the surface the bubbles popped and it went down and gathered more bubbles and went up to the surface again.

I liked doing this experiment it taught me how to make popcorn dance. I would like to do it again.